Longbow Shop wins business award by Theo Paphitis

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Longbow Shop wins business award by Theo Paphitis

Graham and Jason got to meet ex Dragons Den star Theo Paphitis at this years #sbs event. After winning Theo's Small Business Sunday award they are looking forward to talking to everyone about #archery and their events side of the company!

The Longbow Shop - the UKs largest traditional archery shop based in Birkenhead, has received an award from TV Ex-Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis. Jason Powell and fellow Director Graham Higgs were presented with their award at an exclusive winners ceremony in Birmingham ICC.

In October, Jason Powell, Director of the shop, tweeted Theo about his family-run business during ‘Small Business Sunday’, an initiative set up by Theo that runs weekly and out of thousands of applications The Longbow Shop was chosen and their message was re-tweeted to his 400,000 followers. They are also profiled on a new website (www.theopaphitissbs.com) that is exclusive to Small Business Sunday winners.

Jason said, “It's been fantastic winning this award and the team in the shop couldn't be prouder. We all work very hard to increase the awareness of our sport and in addition to selling our traditional archery equipment all over the world we also run archery beginners courses for anyone interested in taking up the sport. Winning SBS has given us a real boost and it's great to be part of a small business network that have the same ups and downs as ourselves”.

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